Back at it

How are we half way through January already?  These last few weeks have been quite eventful for us.  After we arrived back in Ludington on January 2 we settled into our home school routine and got to work on many tasks that we put on hold for the holidays.  We got to meet with the missions committee at Trinty Church and share our story, as well as have dinner with the Kriz family.  We were eager to check many things off our list but were hindered when the whole family came down with the stomach flu.  It hit us hard, and we were all down for a week.  This particular virus was a doozy, let me tell you.  We are finally feeling like ourselves again.


Our friend’s the Northrop’s came up for a visit!  We did not want to infect them with our germs, so we hung out with them outside around town, and stopped at the Ludington lighthouse.  It was a beautiful day.  Since the break wall was covered in a thick layer of ice we stayed on the beach.  Anna had been sick on her birthday, so we celebrated with our friends.  We all had a lot of fun, although it was dampened by the lingering effects of the illness.

Anna on her actual birthday, opening presents, but we waited to eat her cake (which is actually in the freezer still).  She is now 7, and loves dot-to-dot, colored pens, and mommy snuggles.

Cropping Fun!

I love to scrapbook. So I jumped at the chance to go see a friend in Fruitport who first introduced me to cropping, with the excuse that I need to catch up on the kids’ scrapbooks.  Sara and I had such a good time and I was able to make a small dent in the amount I have left to do.  We reminisced over the days when we both lived in Ludington and got to scrapbook together often!


Up Next

We are heading out Monday for training in Waxhaw, North Carolina.  We will be at the JAARS center for ICC (Intercultural Communications Course). The course is about five weeks long, and we will learn much about serving in a cross-cultural environment. There will also be activities and learning opportunities for the kids.  After our training, we have a list of several places we want to visit.  So far, we are looking at traveling until almost Easter.  We plan to be in Dallas the first week of March, then Missouri for the next couple of weeks, then working our way out West before heading back to Ludington. Between now and then we are looking at a ballpark of 100 hours worth of driving!  Prayers are appreciated as we seek God for wisdom and direction on this trip.

If you are interested in seeing us, and/or having us come share at your church we would love to try to make that happen, please let us know.  As for a quick update, our Wycliffe ministry budget is over 30% funded, and we are still praying and striving for it to be 100% funded by this summer.  Just as Ezra and Nehemiah approached Kings for help and God went before them and granted them success for His purpose we press on, inviting people to get involved in Bible translation, bringing God’s word to people in a language that their hearts can understand.  We are excited to see where and how God will lead over these next few months!


2 thoughts on “On the Road Again

  1. Katie actually wrote this last week, I just didn’t finalize the post until today, my bad! We are at ICC now in Waxhaw, NC!

  2. Would love to see you all when you come to Texas. Maybe we could meet half way between Dallas and Georgetown!

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