Andrew practicing flipping in his life jacket.

While we were in North Carolina we took advantage of the Water Safety Training the Maritime department of JAARS offered.  This training was fantastic.  I really appreciate the time the instructors spent with us.  I think the best part about it was getting the kids used to the water and water safety gear.  We practiced floating, flipping in our life jackets, dunking our heads underwater (Asher needed that practice most of all), getting into the “shark bag”, retrieving unconscious persons, working with a rescue rope, and a bunch of other things!  Below are some pictures that were taken by the Maritime department and shared with me.

Since we will be living on an island we are very relieved to have had this training, especially for our kids.  Boats are the only way of transportation from island to island, and sometimes the boats do go down.  Knowing what to do in case of such an emergency puts this mama’s mind at ease!

Thanks again to our partners who have made this training possible!  I am so thankful to have been through it, and have some experience under my belt just in case!

2 thoughts on “Water Safety Training

  1. Shark bag? Yikes!! Why do you need to know how to flip in your life jacket? Great training.

    1. Oops! How did I miss this comment?

      I am not a 100% on the answer, but I think it was because little kids freak out sometimes and need to be on their backs to float and keep their faces out of the water.

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