We were in Nevada for 2 weeks. It was a wonderful time of sharing in churches, connecting with family and friends and enjoying God’s beautiful creation.

First, the view from the house we stayed in was breathtaking! My cousin let us use her Air B&B. Over the past month we had stayed with many hospitable hosts, sharing their spare rooms and open spaces. We were so grateful for their generosity and kindness, but it was nice to have a couple of weeks where we did not feel like an invading army.

Second, we were able to jaunt over to the California side of Lake Tahoe (thus making it official that the kids had crossed the country in one trip- North Carolina to California). We couldn’t do much with all of the snow, but the views were amazing!

Third, we got to see wild horses! We were on our way to visit a friend when wild horses sauntered across the road in front of us. Three of them! We jumped out and took some pictures and got some video, it was really neat. Having grown up in the area, I was so glad to be able to take my kids to where I spent half of my childhood.

Fourth, we visited a Lake Tahoe beach with my cousin and enjoyed the gorgeous view! The lighting was just right for great pictures!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts #pdtrip2019