When was the last time you craved Scripture like you’d crave a good meal? Language communities in Ghana, Africa are hungry for spiritual food, and they won’t stop until they have the full Bible available for themselves.

Happy #wycliffewednesday! I am excited to share this video of Bible translation efforts in Ghana. In a similar fashion, communities all around the world are recognizing their need for God’s Word in a language that their hearts can understand. Partnerships are being formed where people work together, train and learn together, and celebrate together as Scripture is translated and lives are transformed. This kind of teamwork excites me beyond measure!I

A partnership like this has formed in the Solomon Islands, where the people long to see God’s Word translated into the 70 different language groups around the country. Josh and I will be joining this partnership, known as SITAG (Solomon Island Translation Advisory Group), where we will serve Bible translation by providing administrative and logistical support to Bible translators all over the country.

This leads to our need of having partners as well, back here at home! We need partners who will faithfully give of their heart in prayer and in finances. As of the time of this writing, our Wycliffe ministry budget is current funded at 56% through pledged commitments to give monthly, quarterly, or even annually. That is more than halfway, woot woot!!!! God is so good and faithful, and the exciting thing is that He’s using dozens of our friends and family in that process! In order to be released by Wycliffe to go serve at SITAG, we need to have the ministry 100% funded, which we are trusting God to provide. Perhaps He may be calling you to join us and help translate His Word in the Solomon Islands? Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in prayer and finances?

For more info, and a link to learn more about how to partner, check out our join page: gosherts.com/join