
I know this is way over due, but I have to finish the series! April 8, we headed home to Ludington, stopping a few places along the way. We stopped in Rock Springs, WY to visit an old college friend. It was a wonderful visit! We then headed to Casper, WY where we saw my aunt and uncle and a few cousins! So good to see them and see a little bit of Casper, even if it snowed most the time we were there. While we were in Wyoming we decided to take advantage of the opportunity to do some site seeing. We saw Wind Cave and Mt. Rushmore. Wind Cave was way cool, and we even saw wild buffalo. Mt. Rushmore has been on my hope-to-see list forever, and it was so neat! I am so glad we got to stop and see it!

Next up was Araphoe, NE. We stopped to see Josh’s brother and share at his church. We enjoyed our time there, even though it was kind of short. Next up was Omaha, NE, where we saw my best friend and her family, and my Grandma and Grandpa.

And finally we headed to Ludington, and we made it there for Easter, which was our goal! We had prayed for God’s provision and protection for this three month trip. He had answered our prayers above and beyond anything we had prayed for! 7 churches, 24 states, 100+ hours in the car, many friends and family seen, and many new friends made! Sites seen and hearts encouraged as we made it through this 3 month journey. We ended up with only ONE minor car incident, when we were rear-ended an hour from home (thankfully only our hitch carrier was damaged)! God is so awesome—as we sat there waiting to be dismissed by the officer, we thanked God that he had protected us in this incident and from any other incidents over the past 3 months and almost 7,000 miles.