“My hope for the Keliko people is they should learn to read by themselves so they will use the Bible and it will strengthen their faith.”


It is quite exciting to watch my children engage with scripture. Over the years they have heard and learned different verses, even some which are not easy to understand or apply. Sometimes it is quite difficult to explain, and kind of messy to practice. But the fact remains that we do have it–God’s Word in its entirety. When combined with the privileged skills of being able to read and write, and the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit as our guide, we have a huge advantage in doing this Christian life well. This brings up another thing that I love about the work that God has called us to do with Wycliffe Bible Translators. As briefly highlighted in the video above, Wycliffe and partner organizations work heavily in language development and literacy. How frustrating must it be to have God’s Word written in a language that your heart can understand if you do not know how to read your language?

The other day I read Psalm 55:16 aloud to my kids. It was a short verse, and I figured they could have it securely memorized it in a day or two.

Image result for Psalm 55:16 ESV

Andrew picked up on a rhythm to the verse and made it into a little song. He crafted words to it and used the Bible verse as the chorus. 12 words! Just 12 words of scripture in a language my son’s heart can understand, and he is forever changed. Andrew has always been our most timid and shy child and a true introvert. His thoughtfulness and deep reflection are a continual gift to our family of loud extroverts. About 5 years ago he was really struggling with fear. He would keep a small pocket Bible by his bed and would read and quote two sections of scripture regularly that helped him overcome his fear. Joshua 1:9 and Psalm 23. He decided to memorize them all on his own, and we would pray with him and encourage him as time went on. We are so proud of him and thankful to God for His courage-giving Word.

Here is a video of Andrew singing the song he wrote based on Psalm 55:16, enjoy!

Psalm 55:16- by Andrew

2 thoughts on “God’s Word- Living and Active

  1. Thanks for this post. A wonderful reminder to hide God’s word in our hearts. We are truly blessed to have it in our language.

  2. Oh Andrew. I love your song! That is a great warfare song for you. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. May the Lord give you many more ~ love Marilyn

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