It’s #wycliffewednesday, and I am eager to share a great story about Easter Island and the Rapa Nui New Testament. I first saw this video in our first training at Wycliffe in Orlando, Florida. This is all I knew of the story until this past week!

The video itself really resonated with me because of our own story of joining Wycliffe. We learned that the SITAG team had been praying for 4 or 5 years that God would fill the open Operations Manager position. It was awe-inspiring to know that God was working in our lives while other people halfway around the world were praying so hard for us, even while they did not know us.

Fast-forward 6 months – We’re in Dallas visiting members of the SITAG team who were stateside on Home Assignment. They invited us to attend church with them where they made sure to usher us into their Sunday School class. They began by asking the class “Remember how for years now we’ve been asking you to pray for this position to be filled? Here is the answer to your prayers–God has called Josh and Katie to come serve in the Solomon Islands!” What an overwhelming experience, to say the least! The faithfulness of God’s people, at home and abroad, to keep asking for the accomplishment of His will, and even more so, the faithfulness of God to answer those prayers. So humbling and so encouraging!

So going back to Easter Island and the Rapa Nui New Testament–the rest of the story was recently published on Wycliffe’s blog, and it’s so exciting! God’s faithfulness is on full display with this story. May it be an encouragement to all of us as we walk in daily dependence upon Him.

2 thoughts on “God Hears a Child’s Prayers

  1. Thanks for your latest. We are friends with Bob and Nancy Weber with the Rapa Nui, so this was very interesting. We have been praying a very ling time for the Operations Manager with SiTAG. Now, we are praying for you by name! Prayer is vital.

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