#mondayfunday #sigosherts

How is it July already? Time is flying by, and as always, the Gosherts are on the go. Last week I caught up with 6 weeks of goings-on. This week for #mondayfunday I will give you a fly-by view of June. I was in DC at the beginning of June, as I mentioned last week, and my birthday was on June 3. Once I got back I didn’t have long to settle in until we were off for a family camping trip.

Next my third born, Andrew entered middle school youth group, and no, I don’t want to talk about it. *holds back sobs* (Where is time going?!?!) I went with the youth group with my three older kids on their Summer Kick Off. Mini golf, ice cream and some fun at the beach.

We had the pleasure of sharing at Trinity in Ludington before we left for Houghton to share at Evangel. We didn’t have a chance to snap any pictures at Trinity, but a dear friend of mine at Evangel made sure to take several pictures of our gathering after church there! It was so good to visit with our friends up north.

While we were in Houghton we took advantage of the amazing weather God blessed us with while we were there! We visited several places and many friends. Some we got pictures of, and some we didn’t, but it was a very productive trip and we are so thankful to and for everyone who made it possible. We were able to share at a friend’s home and then with some of my MOPS friends at a park! In the midst of all the meeting and sharing, we were able to have so much fun. Anna was baptized at Hungarian Falls! Such a special time.

The last Sunday in June we had the privilege of sharing at a new church for us, Victory Baptist Church. (Again, no pictures… I don’t usually get/take many pictures when we are at churches.) It went really well, and we felt so welcomed and supported by the sweet and caring congregation.

That wraps up the month of June! God is sustaining us through all the crazy, as we seek Him and seek partners He has prepared for us!