#mondayfunday #sigosherts

Of all the months of the year, July is always our busiest. To start, Independence day has always been a family favorite holiday. We usually hang out all day at the beach. This year all of my family was able to meet at the beach for the day! We enjoyed celebrating the freedom we have in this country surrounded by loved ones and enjoying a beautiful beach!

Next Andrew’s birthday. He was born the day after Independence day 11 years ago. I remember a 4th of July 11 years ago when my husband dug a hole for my big belly in the sand so I could lay on my stomach for the first time in months. Andrew had fun at the skate park, with water balloons and his birthday dinner of cheeseburgers and fries.

On the 6th we had a special coming of age ceremony for Abigail. Her birthday was the 9th, and she turned 13. She pledged to cloth herself with Christ in the presence of many witnesses. Later that night her dad took her out on a daddy-daughter date.

On the 9th, the actual day of Abigail’s birth, we had a big youth group event I helped with, and then that night Abigail had three girls spend the night. The next day we had a middle school girls discipleship group and then that afternoon a girl’s volleyball game in the back yard.

What a whirlwind that week was! We are so blessed and so thankful to God for his many blessings and gifts! Sunday the 14th we had the privilege of sharing at an ice cream social at Trinity Church. Nearly 60 people were in attendance and many asked questions and learned a lot about the need for Bible Translation. We were so thankful for the turnout and were greatly encouraged by people’s questions and comments.

The month is half over, but we have a few more big events coming up, staying true to our “July is our busiest month” title.

#mondayfunday #sigosherts