As promised last week, this past week was another busy one! Phew! We had the opportunity to house sit for friends. My kids felt like they had hit the jackpot when they discovered their stash of dress-up clothes! Here is Asher dressed as a lion. Isn’t he CUTE?!?!

On Saturday the 20th Josh and I headed north to celebrate our 16th anniversary. Time has flown by, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. God has truly blessed me with an exceptional man as a spouse. I am so thankful.
As is Josh’s style, he surprised me with a zipline course on Sunday. Little did I know this zipline course would end with me being required to jump off that tower in the background. YIKES!!!! Only took me 10 minutes to bolster up enough courage to do it. (I asked the guide if he could push me, and was told, “Oh, I wish I could but I am not allowed.) The kids stayed with my sister in Charlevoix and had a wonderful time as well.

When we went to pick up the kids from my sister’s house, we decided to take a quick trip to the Charlevoix fountains. My kids have been begging to go to this for at least a year now. The weather was perfect and it felt so nice to cool off in the fountains. The kids enjoyed being there and with their cousins.

#mondayfunday #sortof #sigosherts