It’s Monday! So here is a #mondayfunday post to show you all the fun stuff we’ve been doing. I try to take pictures everywhere we go, but very often the only pictures I end up with are the fun pictures. I never remember to take pictures when we are sharing at a church, on the phone with friends or new churches, or doing those things that keep the household afloat. Well, who cares about those pictures anyway! 🙂

I have been helping out a little bit with the youth group our kids attend here in Ludington, since I now have THREE (!) kids who attend (Andrew 6th, Abigail 8th, and Aaron 9th). These pictures are from a Beach night we had, swimming, hiking, and some ice cream to round out the evening. My kids loved it! I’ve also been helping with the Middle School Girls group, Abigail is really enjoying her time with her friends.

We had the chance to visit my friend the Lighthouse Keeper, Melissa, in Leland, MI. It was so much fun! She asked us to come to visit her and see the lighthouse. She arranged for our boat ride to South Manitou Island (which left us pretty seasick on the way out), and gave us a personal tour of both the island and the lighthouse. It was very windy at the top of the lighthouse, as you can see from the picture of Abigail’s hair in her face. 🙂 Also, a huge rainstorm had recently passed and left part of the trail covered with water that came up to our ankles! It was so beautiful there, and quite the adventure, we are so thankful to have had the chance to see her, the island, and the lighthouse! And we were thankful that we had Dramamine for our boat ride back!

My mom has been so eager to take us all out to the Silver Lake Dunes to explore the dunes in a jeep. Last Monday afternoon we took the quick trip down to Mears, MI and my mom, Josh, and the older kids rode the dunes–while Asher and I held down the fort at a shelter area in the local state park, where we later swam and grilled hot dogs. It was a nice little getaway, and fun was had by all.

On Wednesday we helped out at my mom’s church (Prayer & Praise) for their annual Block Party. It was so fun. Aaron put his muscles to good use, and I got to help kids craft! Abigail was in charge of the “Pick the Nose” station and was successful at getting kids to stick their hands up a giant nose and pick a “booger” to win a prize. Josh supervised Asher, Anna, and Andrew as they played the games and did the fun crafts, including getting their faces painted! What a great event to have family fun and reach out to the community!

Next up for your enjoyment, these pictures represent something a bit different. I always get lots of pictures of happy kids at the beach. This particular Home School Beach Day we were packing up to go after several hours at Hamlin Lake and it struck me at just how much work going to the beach was after the fact. Crabby kids, sand, wet towels, and swimsuits…I’d do it again, almost every time. I told the kids, “smile”, and this is what I got. In the first couple of pictures, my guess is that Aaron was trying to save the water from Asher, I think…

Lastly a bunch of random pictures from the past two weeks, proof that we don’t have super-fun days everyday. First picture is of Abigail with Swimmer’s Itch. Poor baby! She got it the worst. She is better today (4 days later). Next, we have the kids with their new sleep masks. I recently read that with a lot of change (moving, change in careers, traveling) sleep can be difficult, and poor Anna has been having such a hard time falling asleep, with subsequent difficult days from not getting enough sleep. I figured I would give sleep masks a try. So far it has been helping Anna a ton, what an answer to prayer! The other kids got one too, and although they haven’t found it as helpful as Anna, they are hoping that they can use it for the plane rides that we will be taking as we embark to the Solomon Islands.

Let me know if any of the other picture’s captions need explaining. Thanks so much for keeping up with the #sigosherts! Please stay in contact with us!

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