What a full week it has been. Andrew finished up his second week of swim lessons like a champ. His last day was especially hard for him because he was lacking in energy. He had felt ill the night before and took a precautionary pass on breakfast in the morning. But he pushed through and finished well. He is becoming a good swimmer. Our end goal is to get swim lessons for Anna and Asher as well before we leave for the Solomon Islands, but they’ll have to wait for the next opportunity, as the classes for their levels were all filled up this time.

This image is not from these swim lessons, but from the Water Safety training we took in NC

We continued in our efforts this week towards 100% funding of our Wycliffe ministry budget. We had many phone conversations and face to face meetings. We were able to share with at least one person a day, sometimes more. God continues to guide us and lead us to the people and churches he has raised up to join our team. Just this past weekend we met with a missions team at a church in Mt. Pleasent, MI. Super cool body of believers and we got to stay with dear friends who live there. Our friendship with them was established many years ago when we attended the same church in the U.P. (Michigan’s Upper Peninsula). When they moved away downstate, our children had been good friends, but they had all been young. It was a joy and great fun to see the kids catch up and have fun together.

Several weeks ago I took Aaron and Abigail to see a concert hosted at a local church. The band, From Dust, was a husband and wife duo, and I ended up guessing that it was supposed to be an opportunity for a mom & dad date night. For after the concert, they announced a drawing for a raffle/giveaway, which Aaron and Abigail decided to put their names in. The prizes ended up being date packages and of course, Aaron won one (the kid is notorious for winning these kinds of things, he can even usually tell he’s won when the announcer pauses as they ponder over how to pronounce our last name). Considering the fact that Aaron is only 15, does not have a car nor any form of steady employment, he does not go on dates. He graciously gifted Josh and me with his “Mini-golf Date,” and then babysat his siblings for us. Isn’t he a sweety?!?! I barely beat Josh, and we both thoroughly enjoyed our time together. #keepyourmarriagestrong

The youth group our oldest three kids attend had a family grill out. It was a lovely evening, and the kids had so much fun playing with their friends. It seemed the parents enjoyed the food, the fellowship, and the fun as well! We are so glad the kids have found a place among other youth while we are here in Ludington.

A week or so ago, we visited a friend of mine who had been keeping a lighthouse in Leland, MI. Well this week she was heading back home to Colorado and stayed over for the night with us in Ludington. She and I had a fun dinner together, and chatted the evening away as a monster thunderstorm blew in off the lake! Meanwhile, Josh took all five kids to Muskegon, MI to attend Unity Christian Music Festival on the free day (great idea organizers!). It was the kids’ first real concert experience and they loved every minute of it. They talked Josh into staying almost to the very end (10:00 pm).

Calm and patiently waiting
Rocking strong to the last with “Strong Enough to Save” by Tenth Avenue North

On top of all of that, I was finalizing school plans all week long, whenever I could grab a spare minute. Almost overwhelmed at the scope and flexibility that this year will require, I was so thankful when it ended up being the quickest year to plan yet. I really have to attribute that to our amazing God who answers prayers. Josh had sent out the prayer request that I was planning school, which is a big task on a regular year, but even more so this year with all the many contingencies to account for. About halfway through the week though, I realized how well planning was going and I was shocked! I know I shouldn’t be, and really, I just feel so blessed that my God, who hears the prayers of His people, granted me what I needed when I needed it.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be sharing with three more churches, and potentially more. We are so thankful for the opportunity to share about the needs of the Bibleless. People are always amazed, and many want to make a difference in getting them God’s Word! We are specifically reaching out to churches in our area, asking for the opportunity to share. If you think your church might be interested in hearing our story and what God is doing in our lives for the benefit of those without the Word of God in their heart language, send us a note or give us a call. We’d love to talk to you about it.

#mondayfundy #sigosherts