Where has the time gone? A month has flown by and I can’t believe summer is over! Here are some pictures of how we flew through the last few weeks of summer.

Some of our financial partners blessed us with a little family cookout. Because their home is on a small lake they invited us over so the kids could paddle-boat, kayak, swim, and fish. As a mother, this generous blessing touched my heart, because I know my kids have had to give up much throughout this journey. We regularly try to sit with them and talk about any hard parts of the transition, because we know that processing aloud is good. Every time we do, I find it amazing how the conversation naturally turns back to what they’ve found amazing about all of the experiences we’ve had.

This may be partly due to a concept we were introduced to during one of our training events, visualized by two rubber ducks, named Yay Duck and Yuck Duck. It allows for unresolved tensions to be okay when you find yourself in the paradox (pair-of-ducks) of having something be both positive and negative for you. This is something that MKs (missionary kids) need to be able to successfully process in their ever-changing lives as they go through times that can be both hard and good. For example, Abigail moved away from the only real home she’s ever known and all of her friends–a real Yuck Duck in her experience. But at the same time, she’s said over and over again, that if we had not moved she would’ve never become best friends with her dearest bestie, Lucca. Moving has been both Yay Duck and Yuck Duck for her, without it having to be solely one or the other. It is for lessons like this, and for refreshing times like these–the kayaking and fishing–that make my heart swell with gratitude to my awesome Father God who is taking care of my kids <His kids> during this journey with all of its advantages and challenges.

Our church had a four-day missions trip for the youth group, and I was able to join them as one of the leaders. These middle school kids worked hard at helping New Life Camp with projects that needed to be done before winter: they cleared a path in the forest for a new disc golf course, they painted the side of a new building, they repaired fences, and they brought in and prepped for storage all of the camp’s inflatable water toys. Even though it was a lot of hard work (my Fitbit Tracker claims I burned over 4,000 calories one day!), the kids kept at it. Aaron, Abigail, and Andrew were three of the troopers on this expedition, and they enjoyed the camaraderie of working together with their friends. We were able to have a little fun too on the last day of the trip. We canoed 19 miles on a nearby river. That whole trip was quite an experience–one our kids will never forget!

We had one full day at home before we packed up and took off on a 20-day adventure out to Wyoming and back for my cousin’s wedding. Along the way, we stayed with eight different families in six different states and got to share with two new churches. We made a surprise stop for the kids in Wisconsin to see a replica of the childhood home of Laura Ingles Wilder, the author of the Little House series. With all the traveling we’ve done this past year we were able to listen through the entire series in the car, much to our children’s delight. As we drove through Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota, it was really neat to see the land that she described so beautifully in her books.

So lots of driving, learning, food, friendship, and fellowship!

My cousin’s wedding was on top of a mountain! It was gorgeous! I feel so blessed and thankful to God for the times I have been able to see my extended family this past year. Four years seems like a long time to go without seeing family and it will be hard, but I am thankful that I’ve been able to see many of them, some even a few times, over this past year.

So my cousin asked Josh to officiate her wedding, which was a first for him. He did such a great job and many of the guests told him as much. He was glad that he was able to make the ceremony special for everyone, and especially so for the bride and groom.

And that brings us to Labor Day! What better way is there to spend one of the last days of summer than to go hiking around a waterfall?!?! My cousin John was our tour guide and unofficial pack mule. It was a rough trail at a couple of points for the kids, but they were champs about it!

We are truly grateful for the Yuck Duck/Yay Duck summer that God gave us. It was full of hard work and sacrifice, but there was also sweetness and fun!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts

7 thoughts on “The ‘Duck’ Days of Summer?

  1. Looks like a fantastic summer! I’m glad the kids are getting to do some more ordinary awesome things in addition to the great adventure of traveling around the country as MK’s. 🙂

  2. I need a pair of ducks like that. That is how I see everything in life, except those things are entirely YAY or YUCK, but those are few…I like that illustration. What an amazing summer for all of you!

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