#sigosherts #mondayfunday

The first two weeks of October have brought in fall weather. We’re enjoying the cooler temps, and even more so as we consider the temperatures we’ll be facing in the next year when we get to the Solomons!

Our days are filled with school and sharing about the needs of the Bibleless people groups of the world–whether that means we’re sitting at the kitchen table, at the library, or at a church. It’s rather surreal ticking each day off, making a mental note that we’re one day closer to the Solomon Islands.

Here are some fun pictures worth sharing:

We spent October 1 at our local public library, aka our homeschool remote location. For lunch, we had a homeschool cross-cultural adventure by visiting a local Thai restaurant. It was the first time we’d tried Thai, and for the most part, we liked it. We were able to talk to the cook about Thai food. He gave us advice on what to try. Everything was so yummy. We all tried using chopsticks (except Asher) and had fun getting the hang of it, some more quickly than others.

Next are pictures of Asher, who gave himself a pretty bad black eye, poor guy. He bent over by the toilet to pick up his shoes, and bonked the corner of his eyebrow on the toilet. It was a big goose egg to start, but it’s healing quickly!

Abigail had the opportunity to play a piece on the piano for Trinity Church’s hymn sing on October 6. She did so well, we’re very proud of her. She was quite nervous because this was the first time she had ever played for this many people.

Abigail playing Für Elise at the hymn sing.

October 12 Aaron, Abigail and Andrew participated in Dare 2 Share, a Colorado-based conference on worship and evangelism that was broadcast out to 125 streaming sites across the nation, even as far as Ireland! They learned about sharing their faith with their friends and even got to go door-to-door for a canned food drive where they also asked for prayer requests and permission to pray for people right then and there. The whole thing was 7.5 hours long, and I was so glad they were able to attend! What a great opportunity for them, with both training and experience. Below are pictures their youth pastor texted me while they were out and about. Abigail won a shirt for yelling the loudest (& having the most excitement). Am I surprised? Nope. She is a Goshert after all, it’s our shared family trait.

A video of the worship time, also sent to me by the youth pastor.

The following pictures are some of the random things we do from day to day. Abigail gave me “Camp Abby” coupons for Mother’s Day, where she plans and runs fun activities for Asher so I can spend quiet and focused time on other matters. I am using them up this month and finding her help quite beneficial as I can delve more deeply into homeschool and Wycliffe duties that need my attention. There’s one of Josh and I walking along the lakeshore at sunset. We try to go on a date once a week, doing fun and simple things. There are also some pics of homeschool, which has been fun and constructive so far. The kids are all so cute, and good students. They are pushing hard to get their science curriculum finished by the end of the month!

Thanks for keeping up with us!