#sigosherts #mondayfunday

It’s been a month and a half since my last post and not much out of the ordinary (for us!) has happened. We continue to enjoy many opportunities to share with friends and churches. We shared at Living Word Church here in Ludington, CrossRoads Church over in Scottville, and then Pioneer Church in Ludington. We visited friends near Grand Rapids as well as in Ludington, and I even got to visit with my dear friend Julia in Michigan City! The first weekend in November I spent “cropping” with another dear friend of mine in Fruitport. I got a lot done and had a blast doing it. I am nearly caught up on Andrew’s scrapbooks, with only Anna and Asher remaining. Josh got to share our story and what God is doing in our lives for the Bibleless and His kingdom on a few weeknights too, including with an encouraging group of Gideons. We praise God for these opportunities to get the word out about the need for Bible Translation.

Three other random events happened these past weeks. We went to the local Christian School’s Autumn Auction fundraiser. We had fun seeing lots of people from the community. We bought a few raffle tickets and bid on a few items. I won some scrapbook supplies! Yay! Second, The church we attend in Ludington finished their renovations downstairs in their “Next Generation” space and the church came together to pray over the space. It is a beautiful space, and people have worked really hard to make it happen. It was a great time of celebrating and praising God for his faithfulness. Third, our beloved youth pastor from Trinity felt called by to take another job at another church which will require them to move away. There were many tears shed in this house for this Godly man who had touched my kids’ hearts in such a short time. We feel like we have known him and his family forever, they are truly brothers and sisters in Christ. We will miss them all. The youth group held a going-away party and my older three kids (with Josh’s help) helped plan a big group photo for a gift.

Below are some random pictures from our days spent homeschooling. The kids are so creative and fun. I enjoy helping these guys learn! We have been able to read books together again (instead of just audiobooks in the car) and it’s my favorite! I think the kids enjoy it too, although Asher has a hard time sitting still for anything. Ugh, his rambunctiousness is probably my biggest frustration at present!

My Mother celebrated her 60th birthday on October 19th. For her birthday we all went down and had family portraits taken. She was so happy. The kids did so well too!

On the 45 minute drive home from the photoshoot, I was stuck in the back with our two oldest ‘crazies’, and we had a photoshoot of our own! Yaya (my mom’s nickname with her grandkids) felt loved and the family time we spent together was wonderful. I am very thankful we were able to be here with her on her 60th birthday.

Abigail and Anna each decided to use their own money to fill an Operation Christmas Child Box. I didn’t get any pictures when I went shopping with Abigail, but my mom, who took Anna, snagged some super cute pictures. 🙂 I am so thankful to have such giving children.