#mondayfunday #sigosherts

This past week has been filled with many joys. The week started with an evening out with my mom. We accompanied her to her work Christmas party. The food was delicious, and the party very entertaining. It was nice to see where she works, and the people she spent so much time with.

Later in the week, we went on a field trip for our homeschool geography class. Friends of ours love Jamaica and visit there to serve whenever they can. They graciously had us over for a Jamaican meal experience that was educational and delicious! Our children are also all good friends, which made the visit that much more enjoyable for them. It was a wonderful evening out.

On Saturday we went south for the day to visit two families that we became friends with while we all still lived in the Upper Peninsula. They live near each other, so it worked out perfectly. We were able to spend the morning visiting one family and the afternoon visiting the other. Being fellow homeschoolers, our families had become good friends over the years. So it was a great pleasure to catch up with them!

On Sunday we participated in our church’s worship service by lighting this week’s Advent candle and sharing Scriptures on joy. We chose to celebrate the joy by getting all dressed up for the occasion. The kids memorized their parts, and afterwards, we took a picture in front of the church’s gorgeous tree! Later that night Anna and Asher participated in the children’s Christmas program. Asher sang one song in the beginning. He was so cute and tried to sing and do the motions, even though we couldn’t hear him. Anna enjoyed performing so much. Below is a link if you are interested in seeing it. She is quite energetic and enjoyed the spotlight very much.

Anna performing in the Christmas program