
One of the first questions we get asked when people hear that we are headed to the Solomon Islands with Wycliffe Bible Translators is, “Will you be translating the Bible?” We answer, “Why yes, we will, but not how you may think.” This answer throws people off, but it’s true. Only one-third of Wycliffe’s missionaries are actual translators. Two-thirds of the missionaries are support staff. Here is a video to explain a little bit better:

A video that was integral in leading Josh and me to Wycliffe Bible Translators.

The video says “It takes a variety of people to make translation happen.” And it says, “Each skill is essential to the team.” We are excited to be joining a team of people working tirelessly for the Bibleless of the Solomon Islands! But what will that look like, exactly?

Former director Tim Matzke from the Solomon Islands explaining some of the many duties of the Operations Manager.

That is a glimpse into what Josh will be doing to help the translators in the Solomon Islands. God has prepared him so specifically for this task that it sometimes makes our heads spin. (To see more about that, check out this blog post here.) He has prepared the children and me as well. It simply amazes us.

So, like the video said, “What’s Bible Translation about? It’s about working together to reach people with the news that God loves them … There is a place for you in Bible Translation. Let’s find it together.”

Has God has been preparing you for your place in Bible Translation? What gift has he given you that he wants to use on behalf of the Bibleless? Could you join our team of financial partners and help get us to the Solomon Islands where we can get to work serving the translators and their families there? Maybe he has given you a different kind of gift that you can use to help 180 million people get the word of God in a language they can clearly understand. Whatever the case, could you pray with us that our ministry budget would reach 100% in the next two months? Can you pray for the 180 million people who need God’s Word to get God’s Word?

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:” 1 Peter 4:10 ESV