#mondayfunday #sigosherts

This past week was a fun one, filled with a lot of firsts for the kids. To start, below are three pictures of the older three kids eating giant banana splits. Before they left for Spring Hill two weekends ago I begged them to not eat too much junk food. Josh ended up promising them each a banana split if they could refrain from any desserts, sugary drinks, and candy of all kinds, shapes and sizes. With a little encouragement and mutual watchfulness, the kids did just that, so Josh took them out for banana splits. After seeing these pictures though I am wondering if the kids got the better end of the deal. Those banana splits are HUGE! They might as well have gone ahead and eaten the junk food at Spring Hill. Josh argued that these at least have fruit in them. Mm-hmm.

Anna was able to try ballet for the first time! A couple we met through Life Group has a daughter who has been doing ballet for like ten years now. I reached out to them and asked if she might be able to teach Anna a few things because she had been begging me for ballet lessons. Due to our crazy situation in life at the moment, getting her into ballet lessons seemed a bit much. But our friends’ daughter said she would love to teach Anna. She’s a great teacher for Anna! She has a ballet bar and gave Anna some of her old leotards, tights and shoes. Anna was so excited! She couldn’t stop bouncing for days before the first lesson. The lesson went super well, and Anna has been practicing the positions she learned every day. Anna said her “teacher” wants to help her have some things to practice and work on while she is in the Solomon Islands. Just another way God is taking care of my kids through this whole process.

Below is a picture of Aaron, Abigail, and myself on my first ever horse-carriage ride! Some “new” friends from church, who only live a little ways down the road from us, invited us over to enjoy the afternoon with them. It was a 2-hour ride around the neighborhood (aka, farm country) and we enjoyed the fellowship, the fresh air, and beautiful scenery. It was a lot of fun, and we were so happy to have the opportunity.

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