#mondayfunday #sigosherts

The other day I awoke with a word that describes this feeling I’ve had these past six weeks: the “doldrums.” I feel like a ship floating atop smooth water with no wind to fill my sails. Not traveling to share with friends and churches has left us with a lot of extra time. Even with the increase in electronic communications, we still have extra time. What have we filled this time with? A lot of little things. As you can see below, we have Zoom meetings with youth group, early morning snuggle sessions, adventures in hair cutting, lawn chair conversations, colored pencil mustaches, and general cuteness that only toddlers can bring.

A couple of weeks ago Anna fell from the play set in my mom’s back yard right on her bottom. She had a bruised tail bone, and a slightly strained back. She spent a few days lying down to recuperate. It was hard for her to keep still, so I enlisted my older three kids to help keep her company with the challenge that they not let her know their goal. Operation Smile was born. Below are pictures I took when I discovered their secret “hideout” (inside a backroom closet) where they were hiding their plans and schedules. They really got in to it–further proving what I already know–that my kids are awesome!

We’ve continued homeschooling these past six weeks, although we’re almost done. Since we aren’t constantly on the road like we’ve been for most of the past 18 months, we’ve been able to enjoy some good-ole homeschool fun that we’ve been having to lay aside (although seeing the country and getting to hike all over the place made the trade-off totally worthwhile). The pictures below are of the kids wearing the “special” Spelling Power headband (which I happened to find in a random box I was going through, HA!). And Aaron looks through a magazine for a spelling assignment and hopes that the bacon advertisement will count as an article. Nice try Bud!

In addition to all of these activities we’ve also enjoyed live-streaming church, family game and/or movie nights, making our own bread, discovering what I’ve named “tortilla bread,” and walking the trail on my mother’s property. I have thanked God over and over again for my mother’s six acres of property! What a blessing to have plenty of space for my kids to run and play! As well as the ability that it affords us all to get out and enjoy our Creator God’s beautiful creation.

And finally, a note of introspection. I’d been working on several projects until I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago, simply making my bed! Ugh. But God has used even this time for teaching and growth, and caused me to finally slow down and trust Him, even in the “doldrums.” He has always proved, and continues to prove Himself trustworthy. And leaning on Him during these uncertain, seemingly momentum-less times is a lot easier to do when I remember and be thankful of how He has always walked faithfully beside me.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b