#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts

I shared a shorter video about the Keliko people a few months ago. I stumbled upon this video this morning, which is a bit longer and tells more of the story.


One of my favorite things about Wycliffe is how communities come together to get the Word of God into their language. Wycliffe doesn’t just drop off a bunch of western missionaries who do all the work and hand the finished Bible to the local believers. Quite the opposite. The local church is heavily involved in even STARTING the translation. The local church works tirelessly to get the Bible in their language, and through that process they grow closer to God, closer to each other, and OWN their translation and their language. It’s a beautiful picture of love and commitment.

Those of you who pray for us and partner financially with our Wycliffe ministry, YOU are a part of this. I am overjoyed to be involved in Bible Translation, and working with Wycliffe. Keep praying! God is moving and working among the nations and languages of the world for his glory and purpose! He wants his people to know of his love in a language that truly speaks to their hearts!