#mondayfunday #sigosherts

Some fun and unusual pictures…

First, were the odd health issues – Josh came down with a small cold or some type of allergy issue that quickly took to his sinuses. The right half of his face was not happy for a couple of days there. Poor little Anna also had a couple of days of unpleasantries while she complained of tummy issues. For her that usually precursors a meal coming back up. Thankfully that didn’t happen, but she did skip a few meals while her system worked through whatever she was dealing with.

Second, was an amateur’s win – Josh and I try to keep up with a regular date night, and now that we have older kids who are First Aid certified and have the ability to contact us, we actually try to maintain this. This week we hid in our bedroom listening to an audiobook and playing Hand & Foot. I must have been distracted by the story because Josh killed me, which he exaggeratedly claims “never” happens. I have to admit, it is unusual.

Aren’t we cute?

Third, was Thursday’s noon meeting at 9 PM on Wednesday – Ok, that at least sounds unusual, but once you account for the time zone difference, it makes sense. We got to chat with the SITAG Director and his wife on Zoom. They carved out a little time for us on their lunch break on Thursday in Honiara, which was 9 PM for us on Wednesday in North Carolina.

Fourth, my baby girl is now 14 – Maybe that’s not unusual to everyone else out there, but my little baby girl is growing up so quickly. We had our typical family fun in the celebration of a birthday, but she also had a pleasant treat–the youth group was heading out to a nearby lake for some tubing fun. So she, Aaron, and Andrew were also able to spend part of the day having a blast with new friends!

Fifth, I picked up books from the library… curbside – Safe, crazy, and fun, who knew! The great thing is that my voracious readers have new books to consume again now.

Sixth, and last, I got a great deal on a cute, little bookcase – Okay, so that’s not really an unusual point of interest… at all. But it’s cute, it was $5, and it will be extremely helpful when we start school here in a month or so.

Ta Da!

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