#mondayfunday #sigosherts

I’ve got some catching up to do. July 13 (Monday) was the last time I did a normal MondayFunday post. That’s almost a month! So let’s get to it. Below are pictures of the kids “Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool and all” getting their teeth checked outside the school… It’s been fun checking off the list of those items that need to be done before we can leave the country for 4 years.

Asher, Anna, and Andrew had two weeks of swim lessons, and I am so happy to report that they all did SWIMMINGLY! Anna and Andrew were very close already to have me deem them “swimmers” and allow them free range at the beach. Asher on the other hand had never had a lesson before, and I wondered if he was ready yet. HE WAS! He has taken off! It’s actually a little scary because he is so comfortable in the water and can swim so well that I am afraid his fearlessness will lead him into too deep of waters. I’ll continue to an extra sharp eye out on him. We are very happy they all had the opportunity to get some lessons under their belt.

We have been attending a church in South Carolina, and some new friends gathered at Lake Wateree for fellowship and tacos! It is such a blessing to find kindred spirits where ever we go. The kids had so much fun swimming.

Aaaaaannnnnnddddddddd…..then COVID hit. We’ve been on strict quarantine for the past 11 days. It’s had its ups and downs, but through it all God has been truly faithful. We have much to be thankful for! We are thankful that we’ve all stayed healthy and that our systems are fighting the virus well. We are thankful for supportive friends and helpful neighbors. We’ve received packages and drop-offs with food and games and treats. It’s been a huge blessing to have such graceful and compassionate friends. We are thankful for books and libraries. We are thankful for running water and TWO bathrooms! I am thankful for creative kids and helpful teens.

Aaron took on the task of COVID Olympics. He did a really good job, and for the first few days, at least, we had a lot of fun bowling, building tall towers, drinking water, crab walking, pencil bouncing, and dice rolling games.

If I had to pick I would have to say that Guesstures was my favorite part of quarantine so far. It was such a fun game and the kids really enjoyed it.

We have at least one more week to go. Pray for our sanity!