#mondayfunday #sigoshert

Summer is coming to a close and we are ramping up for school. I am super excited about this school year. This is the first time I will be specifically home schooling all 5 kids. I have a lot of fun things planned. I am looking forward to being more involved with the everyday school task that I have missed out on over the past two years (with traveling and moving and so many other tasks needing my attention).

Since the time I last posted a Monday Funday we finished up a second and final week of quarantine. We played games, did crafts, watched movies and managed to not get on one another’s nerves too much. Praise the Lord the experience seemed to go rather quickly!

When the day came that we were allowed out of our apartment we went for a walk! It was so nice to breath the fresh air again. Being able to use our building’s laundry room was great, as I had access to a dryer again! Woot woot! I also had to run some other errands, and I was able to appreciate the freedom and joy of being able to get out of the house.

As you can see the kids keep me pretty busy, and they are absolutely adorable! They are trying to make the most of the last couple weeks of summer. Below are some pictures of them having fun in the JAARS pool. With strict rules on social distancing and limits to how many can be in the pool at one time, we are able to enjoy this treat! Asher is quite the little fish! He loves to swim, and I am so thankful we were able to get him some swim lessons before we caught COVID-19.

As always, thanks for following us on our journey!

11 thoughts on “Wrapping Up Summer

  1. Seems like you all had a great time!! And that was ALOT of pics!! Swimming huh? That’s fun!! The swimming pool here is closed…. *sigh* Anyways! Your blog is lovely!! It deserves more followers!!
    Love, Amy

    1. Yes, it is Abigail’s family’s blog. 🙂 Abigail has told us about you. Thanks for following our journey.

        1. Thanks so much! I just figured out how to easily see comments. 😬🤫🤦‍♀️

  2. Did I already comment? If not…
    These were amazing pics!! Looks like you guys are having alot of fun!! Good luck and have fun with homeschooling!! I suddenly realized that you are Abigail’s mom right? Nice to meet you 🙂 My name is Amy and I am friends with Abigail!! My and my siblings also did that ear bud dot painting!

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