#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts #wycliffe

God specifically chose me to do this work.
This video brings me great joy and excitement because it reminds me of this work that God is calling all those who believe in Him to do, help get God’s Word into the hands of all His people. I may not be writing down actual words, but I am apart of a team of people and I have a part to play. As do those who have partnered with us.

We are here to serve them. This is their translation. This is the translation of the local church.
As I listen to the members of this specific team speak of their work, I am nearly brought to tears. They are so humble and such servants. This task of Bible translation is one they take seriously, and they know that it is precious work and not their work, but God’s. Josh and I are super excited to be heading to the Solomon Islands to help serve the local church there. Our hearts are filled to bursting when we think we will be able to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ with the gifts God has given us.

Wow, I had no idea that there was so much hope.
God’s Word, in my language speaks to my heart on a daily basis. Did you know we have over 400 English translations of the Bible? It’s a feast! I thank God regularly for His word. It up lifts me, if sustains me, it draws me closer to a God who loves me and cared enough to die for me, and to have His love for me recorded. The hope the Bible brings is unfathomable, and there are people without it. The urgency in my heart is strong. Lord, please open borders! Lord, please send workers. Lord, please use me. Lord, please help people hear of your great love for them.

I’ve known about Jesus dying on the cross my whole life. But now, in my own language, I understand why he died for me.
When Josh and I first started with Wycliffe Bible Translators we heard this story of this man learning for the first time why Jesus died for him. It touched us to our core. We have shared his story nearly every church we visited. We pray that all people will come to understand why Jesus died for them.

Our hearts have always been compassionate to those in need around us. When we first began to seek and to pray where God would have us serve him we found many worthy and amazing organizations. It wasn’t until we found out about the power of God’s Word in one’s own language that our hearts were ignited for the Bibleless. So we press on, we persevere, we walk in faith that God can use ordinary people like us to spread His Word and His love.

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