#mondayfunday #homeschooliscool #sigosherts

For not being much of a routine person, these last 5 weeks have grown me in that department, to be sure. In one sense it feels like quite an accomplishment to have completed 5 weeks straight without rescheduling a single day of school.

However, all good streaks must come to an end and we played hooky Friday, taking a field trip to visit Kings Mountain National Military Park. It was a gorgeous day and we walked a beautiful trail around the historic battlefield of Kings Mountain, a turning point in the Revolutionary War. We also visited the site of the Battle of the Waxhaws, another Revolutionary War site. They were breathtakingly beautiful, eye opening to the severity of war, and educational in regards to the founding of our country.

We ended the day with a pizza party that the kids earned for remembering to recite their Bible verses every day of the month of September. They were so excited. We followed up the yummy pizza with a fun family game night.

Homeschooling is not as glorious daily as I would hope. Realistically, I wouldn’t be able to keep up that kind of required energy level anyway. Every day is a gift though, and I choose to take each one day at a time, relying on God’s mercy and grace to raise these wonderful little humans to become God fearing, loving and strong adults one day.