
The above link is a really short but exciting story of the Word of God bringing excitement and hope to a people group in Kenya, the Tugen. This people group has lived in the Tugen Hills of Kenya for a long time. These people identify as Christians, but they have been using the Bible from a neighboring language group. Recently the book of Luke was translated into the Tugen language, and when a group of women heard it being read aloud their hearts were filled with joy, and after the meeting, they raced to purchase every copy that was available, over 50 copies! Others in the community are also eager to hear God’s Word in their heart language. It is now being used in worship services and other gatherings like weddings and home Bible studies. It is also available in a Bible app for those who have access to cell phones!

Stories like this one bring me such joy–it is so exciting to be serving the Bibleless in any way we can! We are eager to get to the Solomon Islands and help those who are gaining the Bible in their own language.

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