#mondayfunday #sigosherts

With Thanksgiving last week, I found myself viewing November through the lens of thankfulness. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father, so anything I am thankful for is a gift from God. As I look back over this past month, and as we prepare to leave JAARS and head back to Michigan, I find myself extremely grateful for so many things.

I am thankful for a home church away from our home church. Covenant has been a great place for me and my family. In the above pictures, my oldest three kids are helping pack Christmas boxes. They have enjoyed being involved in church and youth group while we have been here. Aaron has learned to run the sound board, and Abigail has been singing with the worship team.

I am thankful for homeschool, and all the things we learn together, and for the fun we have. Asher has been learning so much, and loves school. The other kids continue to do well, and learn and grow. It’s a lot of fun, even though it can be a lot of work too. I am so glad God has allowed me to homeschool.

I am thankful for the community we live in here at the JAARS apartments. There are many other families in a situation similar to us, waiting for their country of assignment to reopen their borders and for feasible methods to return. Aaron has found kids to play soccer with on a regular basis, something he has been wanting to do for a few years now. A friend nearby asked for Abigail and Aaron to come to do yardwork for her, and they were both very excited to have jobs! (Even if they were temporary.)

I am thankful for my husband! What a joy he is. We have lots of fun together. Even when we find ourselves in stressful situations, our commitment to God and each other pulls us through. I am so thankful for a loving, godly, and fun husband!

I am thankful for Fall! The changing colors are gorgeous! The cool weather makes sweat-shirts and hot tea possible. I am thankful for goofy kids and snuggles.

A friend of ours offered to take our family pictures. We were in need of an updated prayer card. We found a beautiful spot by a fountain, and the above pictures were taken by me and Abigail. I am so thankful for my family. We can have fun doing just about anything. They are all a huge blessing to me. I am thankful for the nice weather that made pictures possible. I am also super thankful that we were able to get one where everyone was mostly smiling at the same time.

I am so thankful for the above pictures to remember such a wonderful day! The weather was a bit chilly, but the lighting was so amazing, perfect for pictures. We explored a nearby state park, bought apples at a roadside stand, drank apple cider, and took LOTS of pictures. I couldn’t help myself. The lighting was THAT amazing! I am also thankful for God’s beautiful creation! It is a joy to walk trails and see new sites. God is amazing.

Lastly, as our time here draws to a close, I find myself thankful for good byes. I have been working with my kids on good byes. I am not the best at good byes. I’m the type that sneaks out of a party, wanting to avoid all attention that is present with a good bye. Since we started this Wycliffe journey I have been learning to value the good byes. Good bye means you had someone and something to say good bye to. Good bye means you opened your heart, yet again, and made new friends and had new adventures. The harder the good bye… the harder you loved, opened your heart, and gave of yourself. Since we arrived in North Carolina we have met many new people. Several families who were waiting for their country of assignment to reopen received the welcome news that they could go, and departed from our community. It has been so bittersweet to watch new friends leave. We are so happy for them, but so sad for us. And soon it will be our turn. As much as I hate to cry and feel sad, I am thankful for this amazing time we have had here, and the joys these new friendships have brought. It is well said that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Amidst all this thankfulness, I find myself most thankful for God and His gift of eternal salvation, which means that my good byes in Christ will not be forever. When I say good bye, it is more accurate to say see you later, and that is an enduring gift.

2 thoughts on “The Gifts of November

  1. Looking forward to seeing you in person at Trinity in Ludington! Loved all the pics! See you soon!
    Jeanie Anderson

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