#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts

Every Wednesday I try to write a post (or have a post ready to share) about Wycliffe and Bible translation. I don’t always succeed, however, what I have begun to focus on is, “What is the impact of Bible translation?” I want to keep our prayer and financial partners aware of the impact their involvement is making. I come across stories of real life people, getting a glimpse of God’s Word in their language and the impact it has in them all the time! Whether or not I have the time or ability to share these stories through a blog post is another matter. 🤪😂😉

Last week I saw a post by Wycliffe on Instagram. It was about a translation team in Indonesia working on Luke 22. They came to verse 44: “And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” As the team worked through this verse they contemplated the words and their meanings, really focusing in on the consequences of the sins of the world, all people, everywhere, from all of time.

Wycliffe’s post said: “For several minutes the team kept repeating, ‘Everybody’s sin.’ When they realized the depth of Christ’s sacrifice and his love for them, the room fell quiet. A couple of the men covered their faces and wept. For 10 minutes the team sat weeping.”

Then a man said, “Okay. Let’s translate it so other people can understand it too.

Powerful, right? I know I have had those moments where God’s Word has hit me in a special way, and my eyes have been open to truth about God and how He relates to me. The change in me and my response to the truth of God’s Word is powerful and impacts my life in big ways.

It is so exciting to be preparing to head to our assignment with Wycliffe Bible Translators and serve the Bibleless peoples of the Solomon Islands. God has gifted us, and prepared us for this task, and we eagerly anticipate being used by him.