#mondayfunday #sigosherts

I am happy to report quarantine is going by quickly, praise be to our awesome God! Our days are just full enough to keep us from going insane and fun enough to keep us from pulling our hair out.

kids on balcony without masks

We found out, last Monday, that we no longer have to wear masks when we go out on our balcony! Yay! So we’ve spent lots more time “outdoors.” It’s been so nice to have a cozy little place outside with such an amazing view and interesting things to see.

enjoying a new game Andrew received as a gift before we left

We enjoy playing games together. We brought as many as we could stuff into our carry-ons and our SITAG friends brought a bunch for us as well. We have been laughing about how many games we have available to play, compared to how much time we actually have to play them. We mostly do school from after breakfast until dinner time.

Aaron shows a little ingenuity during a school assignment!

One day last week, Aaron and Abigail worked on a history project. Aaron wanted his paper on the wall to be level, so he found a small bottle with liquid in it and made a level out of it. So clever!

Abigail enjoying cold, fresh coconut water

When Josh heard how much coconut was available in the Solomons he didn’t waste much time in finding the perfect tool kit to take along with us! He has had fun figuring out how best to break into a coconut. The above picture is a “green coconut”. The water is very refreshing, especially when refrigerated first.

Mother’s Day breakfast in bed

Josh and the kids surprised me with breakfast in bed and bacon! They are so sweet. It was a wonderful day