#sigosherts #mondayfunday

So….now what? The last three years have been spent preparing (okay, God’s been preparing us for longer than that) to come to the Solomons, and we are here now. What are we to do now?

The funny thing is, not a ton has changed. Kids are still kids. Laundry still needs to be done. I still have to feed everyone 3 times a day. But then again, it’s all different! The kids continue to try new things and stretch themselves outside their comfort zones. They started going to a local youth group, they tried soccer (yes, it’s called soccer here), and they try new foods everyday. A couple of the kids still have a little bit of school that they are finishing up.

Kids bringing laundry in from the outside line.

We wrapped up our Solomon Islands Orientation Course with a time of sharing with everyone at SITAG. The kids all had scrapbooks from their orientation classes and the time we spent in the village. We all shared a story from Tawatana and the kids presented their projects that they worked on while in Tawatana.

Sharing scrapbook memories

Although all our bags and boxes are unpacked, we are still settling in to our new home and trying to find out family routine and learn how to thrive in Honiara. We are slowly adding in weekly activities (beyond Josh’s work schedule). We attend church every Sunday. We have met some wonderful people already!

Abigail on our way to church

Cooking is a daily adventure for me. Thankfully everyone’s a good sport! The open air market is where I go to purchase most of our groceries for the week. It is a busy place and there are lots of vegetables and fruits to pick from. We are still trying new foods almost daily. We’re also starting to have our staple crops, when at the market I am sure to buy:

  • Brown “dry” coconuts 🥥
  • Spring onions / shallots (where’s that emoji!?)
  • Capsicum peppers 🫑 (like small bell peppers)
  • Cucumbers 🥒
  • Eggplant 🍆
  • Bananas 🍌
  • Pineapple 🍍
The “chili powder” was a lot hotter than we expected. 🥵
Abigail trying a water apple for the first time
Asher trying okra for the first time
Me and my rainbow umbrella, the sun is hot!

I love the above picture because it reminds me to fill my days with grace! God’s bow (the rainbow) is a wonderful sign of His faithfulness. It reminds me that He who began the work in me will continue it just as surely as He sits on His rainbow-encircled throne! He brought me to the Solomon Islands 🇸🇧 and He will help me as I learn to live here in a new culture.