#mondayfunday #sigosherts

The last three weeks have flown by! 🚀 Wow! We have continued to learn and settle in as each day presents new challenges and fun experiences.

Anna found it amusing that there was Spam at this particular shop
Abigail tries “Bush Apples” for the first time.
Drove for the first time on my own
Bet you didn’t know turmeric looked like this!
An Asher sized coconut for him to learn to “scratch”.

It’s been neat to think through family traditions and ways of doing things as we approach milestones and holidays now that we are in the Solomons 🇸🇧. We will have a lot of “firsts” this first year here. Josh and I celebrated 18 years of marriage a couple of weeks ago. He brought me a cutting from a frangipani tree. It had a flower blooming on it. I planted it behind our house. We shall see if I can keep it alive.

Josh brought me a flower for our anniversary

The kids have all struggled with random illnesses as we grow accustomed to our new environment. Anna has had the hardest time, I think. She has been such a trooper though. We praise God that everyone is doing well, and immune systems are doing their job. Anna’s ears have had no further trouble since last week! Praise the Lord.

This brave girl has been to the hospital and clinic a total of 4 times for ear issues

I spent all of last week holed up in the Education Resource Center (ERC) planning school for this coming year. I was and am so thankful for all the resources people have donated to the ERC. I am also thankful for the volunteers that keep the ERC so nice. I still have a a good week or two worth of work to finish planning school, but I am well on my way to having the school year planned for five kids, in 5 separate grades. Whew! It’s gonna be a fun one!

Camp Andrew was a big hit!

Andrew helped me out a ton by planning Camp Andrew. He took time to make the week fun for Anna and Asher. They had a great time. I think Andrew is pretty exhausted now, but he did a great job and it helped the family (me specifically included) out a lot.