#mondayfunday #sigosherts

We have been very busy these last two months (since last posting in August)! Time flies when you are having fun, or doing school, or learning something new everyday!

Asher being cute, something he does quite well

The kids are all adjusting so well. I am so thankful for God’s mercy and grace as we learn to live in a new culture. The kids are thriving, something God has taught our family to do well.

Anna and one of her many ailments, still smiling, despite the trials that have come her way

We continue to deal with illness and health issues everyday. It seems like it may be getting better, but over the course of the last 2 months we have dealt with strep throat, skin issues and rashes, fevers, sore muscles, infected wounds, mysterious skin issues (the boys’ hands look like prunes after only a few minutes of being exposed to water), and bugs of all kinds (scabies, lice, mites, and worms). All things considered, we are so thankful to God for His faithfulness to us. It hasn’t been easy, but with God, all things are possible and we know that He has taken care of us and brought us through. He is our sustainer. At the time of me writing this almost everyone is healthy. We have a few wounds that are healing, but no serious sicknesses.

Andrew , enjoying Biology this year, 9th grade

I am so happy to report that school is going so well! Praise the Lord. He has really provided everything we need and the time to get it done. I was tempted to be anxious about this school year, but I prayed, planned, and worked hard to make it work, and God has been faithful!

Abigail was so excited to go and pick out her dress

Finding our grove and style here in the Solomons is a fun adventure. From food to clothes and on to friends and ministry, the #sigosherts are finding their place amidst the humidity, bugs, sunshine, gorgeous views, and warm rain showers. We are making friends, finding new favorite foods, and trying new things every week.

Aaron, with his youth group team, Team Peter

We are so happy to have found a local church family to love and serve in. The kids are already deeply involved in youth group and making friends. Youth group is on Fridays from 7-10 pm, which has been quite an adjustment for me, but the kids love it.

Praying before school

I am so thankful for the opportunity to home school my children. Every morning we start with a quick devotional and prayer. Such a sweet and special time. What a privilege to teach my kids about the God who made them, loves them, and will never leave them.

So life goes on, wether I’m ready for the day or not, the hours tick by, which makes me think of this verse:

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Asher and Anna on the way to the beach
Josh, working hard to help SITAG run smoothly
Anna and I, ready to catch some waves!
New friendships made
Asked to introduce ourselves to the whole church

3 thoughts on “Two Months Worth of Adjusting

  1. I’m so thankful that you said yes when the Lord asked, “Who will go for me?” We did the same when our 3 boys were under 7. Ours was an amazing faith adventure. Yours seems even more exciting! May God continue to pour His grace and mercy on your family. Bucketfuls of blessings and answered prayers! ❤️

    1. So sorry that I am just seeing this! 😬😱 But thanks for the encouragement!

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