#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts

Bible translation is so important. Having God’s Word in one’s own language is monumental to abundant life in Christ. I, however, am not a translator. Josh is not a translator. What could we possibly do to help?

Thankfully God new all the questions before we even knew to ask them, and He knew the answers too. Now that we have been in our home here at SITAG for 7 months we are learning more and more just how we can support those who work tirelessly to translate the Bible here in the Solomons.

At the beginning of this week SITAG began a Paratext Workshop for 13 translators from all over the Solomon Islands. Five or six language groups are represented here this week, learning how to use translation software tools. Josh has been on hand to help set up computers, deal with networking and internet needs, pick up supplies and organize lodging for all the translators who have arrived at SITAG for the training.

I have been able to help out here and there as well. I have helped organize meals, even stepping in to cook when the usual cook had a death in the family. I have shopped for food and helped set up the tea breaks that happen everyday. It’s great too, to see the kids pick up on our “helping hands” attitude. They carry groceries, deliver items, and provide a friendly face to hep welcome guests. Aaron walked to a bakery to pick up bread. And when Josh and I are busy or out and about, the older kids step in to help younger kids with school and help with meal prep.

It’s just so cool to be here and able to serve people who are working hard to get God’s word into a language that speaks to the heart of their own people. Pray for the training, that much would be learned, and pray for us, that we would serve well. All to the glory of God.