#sigosherts #mondayfunday

Josh teaching Asher how to tie his shoes (for the first time)

Before we left LA, we packed a crate of things to send to the Solomons. These things varied greatly, from a few special stuffed animals that couldn’t be parted with, to bottles and bottles of activated charcoal and fish oil capsules. Amidst these items were tennis shoes in the next size up for each kid.

He did it!

I recently went digging through the shoes I had set aside to find Asher’s next pair because he broke his current pair of flip flops we had bought him here in the Solomons. When I pulled these shoes out of the tote I laughed at myself. I think I grabbed the cheapest available pair at Walmart, and wasn’t really thinking about anything else. I realized Asher hadn’t had an opportunity to wear shoes he had to tie yet. I also realized that he had just out grown his last pair of socks we brought.

“Look mom! First try!”

Josh came home from work and got busy teaching Asher the art of crossing bunny ears and going through the hole. Asher was very focused and eager to get it right. The lesson was over super fast, and we had expected to have to show him again and again, like our other kids. But nope! The next day, he did it himself, and only needed a tiny bit of help from Aaron. We were shocked! He learned so fast. But we realized he is 6, and the other kids learned when they were five. Whatever the case, all people in the Goshert household can now tie their own shoes. It’s funny how these little things keep happening as the baby of the family grows up. Like when Asher placed his trust in Jesus, and when everyone in the house was baptized. Or when Asher learned to read, and now everyone in the house can read. It’s a whole new world each time Asher becomes a little more independent and there isn’t another “baby” to come after him. He certainly isn’t one anymore!