#mondayfunday #sigosherts

This past weekend I was able to get away for the weekend, with a fellow missionary. We participated in a Velvet Ashes retreat. It was a lovely time of rest and reflection. When I came home I felt so recharged and ready to serve my family with gusto.

Below are some pictures from the weekend. I hope you enjoy them half as much as I did taking them!

Up the mountain we go
Our view out our front door
A really pretty flower
A rainbow 🌈
Our view at dinner, Friday night
Ready for a hike πŸ”
Our fearless guide
My weekend retreat buddy
Having fun, even if we were sweating and surrounded by mosquitoes
A gorgeous river to cross
So peaceful 🌈
Second river crossing
We did it!
Amazing waterfall
Our guide and us
A little fun with watercolors
Taking time to create something beautiful, just like our amazing Creator God
I just love God’s bow! (The rainbow 🌈)
A little peek at the drive up the mountain β›°

3 thoughts on “A Fun Weekend Away

    1. Hey Kay, thanks for reading and commenting. Velvet Ashes is an online community of women living cross culturally and doing some sort of ministry. It’s designed so women can participate in retreats without having to fly out of their countries. You can get ladies together and do it, or do it by yourself. A friend here introduced me to it.

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