#mondayfunday #sigosherts
This past week was full of the unexpected, and it reminded me that God is still sailing this ship, and I am along for the ride!

Anna posing at the restaurant where we celebrated our first year in the Solomons

We have been in the Solomon Islands for an entire year. It’s crazy to think of all we have done since arriving here. Even more so when you consider the previous year to get here—which now feels like so long ago. God had a plan before, and he still has a plan. We get to come to Him with all our cares and concerns, hopes and dreams, and He directs our steps in His perfect way. He is good!

Josh and I arranged flowers for church this week

What fun to be able to serve in our local church body. It was our small group’s turn to help with church set up. Josh had fun going to the Central Market early Saturday morning and selecting the flowers, and then he and I had fun trying to figure out how to arrange them. We ended up needing to improvise a little, but in the end it all worked out. It was fun to hand out flowers to mothers after church as people were leaving.

Me and the four older kids at Diamond Gate Beach

There are several nice beaches west of town, where entrepreneurial Solomon Islanders have built lovely resort-like cottages on the shore. For Christmas my mother gifted us the funds for a weekend getaway at one of these resorts. At first it was too rainy to check out the options, and then COVID came and shut everything down for a while. But we finally had a chance to go and check one out, as a part of our one-year-in-the-Solomons celebration. It was so nice to get outside of the hustle and bustle of the city. We are making arrangements to go there soon for our getaway weekend! (thanks Mom! 🥰)

Auntie Rosemary and Abigail

Abigail loves languages, and this Auntie loves Abigail. Abigail continues to learn Spanish, Pijin, and an additional language Kwara’ae (the heart language of some folks on staff at SITAG, Rosemary included). We are praying about where Abigail’s love of languages will take her.

Anna climbing a Frangipani tree

Don’t worry, this tree looks taller than it actually is! Anna is on the move alllllll the time. She is so fun and happy. She is willing to help whenever she can. She makes friends with everyone who crosses her path. She just met some new girls at church yesterday, and per usual, they were instant friends. She is such a sweet heart.