#sigosherts #mondayfunday

We started school August 29th. I had spent 6 weeks (with many interruptions😜😂) planning school, and everyone was very excited to start.

I was only able to get pictures of Anna and Asher
This guy was very excited about his very first school binder. He ran inside to bring it out for the picture!

In previous years, in the States, shopping for school supplies was my favorite part. It was almost like Christmas, as I selected the folders and pencils and things for each kid. This year was quite different. I brought a few things with me, and a lot of their school things from last year (and the years before) still worked well. So I was on the hunt for some spiral notebooks. I found these!

Each kid got a new ruler, pencil and notebook.

The funny thing about these notebooks were they had a calendar in them. The calendar page had 2016 and 2017. I figured the kids could rip them out, no worries.

Anna discovered it first!
Andrew had to puzzle a minute
Aaron couldn’t believe it…
2016 (because of the Leap Year) matches after February 29
2017 matches 2023 completely!

Thanks to Anna, we all discovered that the calendar page was useful after all. It was quite funny, and we all enjoyed the laugh.

Some other school shenanigans shown below:

Andrew going back for seconds!

Traditionally I try to make a special breakfast for the kids on the first day of school. This year I made a rice pudding. I only had to wake up at 4 am to make sure it was ready on time. 😜😂

Aaron made some homemade weights with a friend of his from the Solomons. 🇸🇧

For school this year, I asked the three teens to get up at 6:30 in the morning and do a little work out every morning. Aaron was excited to get to use his weights he had just made during the summer.

And that’s the first day of school! (Only a month late!) Unfortunately getting back into the routine of school has been quite difficult, this year. Everyday presents a new challenge, and my planning efforts, while good and productive, don’t feel as well organized this year.

We have the first 4 weeks completed, and I am hopeful I will have the kinks straightened out soon. I am very thankful for teens who can track their own school progress, and my flexible 5th and 1st graders, who are eager to learn!

Stay tuned for future school shenanigans! #homeschooliscool😎