Buckle your seat belts and get ready for a nice update. They days have just been flying by and don’t look that different from day to day, which makes knowing what to blog about a little difficult. But I think we’ve got some interesting things to share from the past 10 months.

Anna first day of school

This past school year was the first year without Aaron. That was sad and also nice! I was able to focus more on the other kids, but Asiel was not content to be left to play on her own, so school took on a whole new look this past year. Abi graduated 10 weeks early as well, so she could get back to the states and get a job and save up for college. She will be attending Moody Bible Institute this coming August.

One of Abi’s senior pictures
Andrew- Junior
Anna- 6th grade
Asher 2nd grade
20th Wedding Anniversary trip to Fat Boys Resort in the Solomon Islands

With a large gift from one of our supporting churches for our 5 years of being with wycliffe and our 20th wedding anniversary , Josh and I were able to “get away” to a resort called Fat Boys. It was a wonderful trip. We had to bring Asiel along, and Abi tagged along to babysit, but it was still a lot of fun. We kayaked to Kennedy Island (where former president Kennedy was stranded during WWII), we paddle boarded, snorkeled, and ate some delicious food!

Josh and I on Kennedy Island
Asher with the Pacific Games Mascot, Solo

The Pacific Games 2023 were held in the Solomon Islands this past year, and we were able to attend. It was a lot of fun to watch. We saw net ball, boxing, tennis, and lots of track and field events.

Sitting in the bleachers watching and learning a lot about Netball
Abi, waiting to take the SAT

In December Abi and I went to Australia for a few days so she could take the SAT. We had a lot of fun shopping, walking, and eating. She did well on the SAT, and we got to bring back some supplies from Australia.

Abi at South Banks, we were on our way to rent bicycles for the afternoon.
Waiting for the plane back to the Solomons 🇸🇧
B17 Dive with Cell Group

In January we got to take our cell group out to B17 Dive for the weekend. We all enjoyed the fun and fellowship.

Josh and his Solomon Island “Dadi”
Asher, Anna and Asiel, on the beach with cell group friends
Abi and Aaron with cell group friends
Vura-Tanuli Cell Group
Anna and Asher learning Poi

Andrew, Anna, and Asher were able to learn several skills associated with the circus. 🎪 A woman from New Zealand was in the Solomons working with youth to teach them hula hoop, stilts, poi, juggling, acrobatics and other fun skills associated with the circus. The kids really enjoyed the month they were able to go and learn.

Andrew learning to walk on stilts, he ended up falling towards the end of the month, and we think he may have had a hairline fracture 😬
International Mother Language Day

All the kids and I participated in an event held at the University, celebrating International Mother Language Day. The kids really got into, and enjoyed helping people identify where their language area was on a map, and on a chart.

The SITAG booth
Andrew was in charge of looking up the languages on a master document
We all go to wear our new SITAG shirts, and Asiel had fun for a little bit
Asiel turns one

We had a big party for Asiel’s first birthday (Solomon style)! We had over 60 people (kids included) attend and we did a traditional motu (earth oven feast)

Andrew and two BIG helpers 🙏🏻
Abi and more helpers! So thankful for all the help!
Andrew on the boat to BuroBuro

For a school field trip, Abi, Andrew and I all went to a village where a missionary family lives that are friends of ours. I really enjoyed the get away from the busy and loud city. The kids enjoyed learning about the missionaries’ life in the village. They saw lots of cool places, and got to swim in the river.

Abi and Andrew on a walk to see the chicken coop
Josh, Andrew, Asher, and Asiel ready for the Fun Run

Due to some sickness and injuries (Anna and I) Josh took the boys and Asiel on the Fun Run this past April. Asiel even won a prize for the best dressed.

Daddy dressed her so she would be warm when/if it rained
Asher ready to go!
I stole this one off Facebook- This is Asiel getting her award
Asher at the clinic

Asher had a little fall in the shower, and busted open his eyebrow. Poor guy! He has a faint scar there now, but the doctor did a nice job sewing him up.

Aaron at YWAM

Aaron started DTS (discipleship training school) at YWAM in February (oops, this is out of order, lol) and this picture was taken when SITAG took a carton of Pijin Bibles to YWAM and donated them to the school. Aaron has really enjoyed YWAM, and has been learning and growing a lot.

Aaron on his way to outreach in remote villages
Abi’s graduation

Abi graduated in April and headed off to the states to start working and saving for college. We are so proud of her, and we miss her so much! She is doing well, living with my mom, and working at Chipotle. In August she will head to Moody.

Our last family picture – taken before we left for the airport
Anna at the clinic

Anna was playing outside, swinging on a rope, and she slipped and busted her knee open. It was a huge gash. She had to get stitches as well.

Aaron, home from the hospital

The last big event happened about a week ago. Aaron was in the village when he got bit by a spider and it turned into a large abscess behind his knee. We were able to get him on a boat and back to Honiara before it turned into anything super serious, praise the Lord. He had to have the abscess opened and drained, and today he finally got stitches and is in a lot of pain, but healing nicely.

And now you are all caught up on the past 10 months of Goshert happenings. Thanks for following our journey through this blog.

Asher with his friend at Futsol practice

2 thoughts on “A lot to catch up on

  1. Wow, you guys have had a busy year! Hard to believe you have two high school graduates now 🙂
    God bless you all and the ministry there in the Solomons!

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