Just our normal Saturday turned a bit chaotic yesterday evening, when I bumped a bottle of red wine vinegar off the shelf, and it shattered on the floor, and some how cut my toe in the process.
After I heard the bottle break, I looked down and saw my toe with a big cut on it. I called Josh and tried not to panic. 😱 He got me sitting down and my toe wrapped up to stop the bleeding.
After Josh carried me to the car, up two flights of stairs, we made it to the clinic and the doctors began to stitch me up.
So, here I am. Forced to rest during Josh’s vacation, and feeling very thankful. Most of my Christmas tasks are already done. ✅ Josh is off work, and available to help with the kids. The big kids have stepped up to the plate, and are helping a lot. And I have all my fingers and toes! God is good!