Mondayfunday Holiday Special
#mondayfunday #sigosherts
#mondayfunday #sigosherts
#sigosherts #mondayfunday I’ve decided it’s time to document our days. What used to seem new and unfamiliar is quickly becoming regular and ordinary. Since everyday we have to eat, I will begin with meals. I have a rotating weekly meal plan. I go to the market once a week for fresh produce. The kids pitch …
Continue reading “What’s a Typical Day Like at the Gosherts?”
#sigosherts #inspirationsunday Today I was a part of a baby dedication at church. It feels kind of strange to say I was a part of it because it wasn’t my child, it wasn’t even my family, but I love being a part of child dedications, because the whole congregation does take part. The congregation is …
#mondayfunday #sigosherts We have been very busy these last two months (since last posting in August)! Time flies when you are having fun, or doing school, or learning something new everyday! The kids are all adjusting so well. I am so thankful for God’s mercy and grace as we learn to live in a new …
#sigosherts #mondayfunday
#sigosherts #vlogfriday
#sigosherts #wycliffewednesday
#sigosherts #vlogfriday
#sigosherts #mondayfunday Here we are, 13 weeks in the Solomon Islands, learning and growing everyday. Each day has its challenges along with its gifts. We have so much to be thankful for. Time keeps marching right along, whether we are ready or not. This poor guy had an accident on the trampoline. His lip collided …
#mondayfunday #sigosherts The last three weeks have flown by! 🚀 Wow! We have continued to learn and settle in as each day presents new challenges and fun experiences. It’s been neat to think through family traditions and ways of doing things as we approach milestones and holidays now that we are in the Solomons 🇸🇧. …