
Travels & Training

Wondering what the #sigosherts have been up to these past months? I finally have the opportunity to share this video. Enjoy! It made my mom cry, so you know it’s got to be good. *wink*


How to join us!

For those of you looking for more info on how to join with us in our adventures:


Introducing #mondayfunday

Hey everyone, we did it!  We made it through our 5-week Intercultural Communications Course (ICC).  We had so much fun and learned so much. So here we are, introducing what I hope will be a weekly update on the fun stuff our kids have been up to.  And with that you need a fun hashtag, …


Chaos Back Into Order

#inspirationsunday #sigosherts I did it. I arrived. I got all the kids dressed, girls’ hair mostly done. Sure there is no snow on the ground and everyone is wearing snow boots, but whatever, we made it on time. I sink down into a seat in the sanctuary in the church we are attending this Sunday. …