SI Watch: Exciting News From The Weathercoast

#sigosherts #wycliffewednesday On the south coast of Guadalcanal, beautiful steep mountains plunge down to stone-covered beaches. The Koo-Poleo (koh-pohlayo) people carve gardens out of the steep hillsides, where they grow vegetables to feed their families. Looking out to sea from this beautiful but rugged part of the Solomons, there are no other islands in sight. …

Starting the School Year Off Right, Homeschool Style

#mondayfunday #sigosherts You may be asking yourself, wait, didn’t they already start homeschool this year? Well, yes, in all technicalities, we did, with an intensive course in science near the middle of August. And the kids did great. But being good Michiganders, we all know that summer isn’t really over until after Labor Day, which …

God Provides Even in the Little Things

I shared this video with our prayer partners this morning and received a lot of great responses, where people have enjoyed hearing what God has done. So I’m sharing it here as well, I hope you are encouraged too! Reflect on the small miracles in your life, and praise God for His good gifts!

Goshert’s Goings-on

What a full week it has been. Andrew finished up his second week of swim lessons like a champ. His last day was especially hard for him because he was lacking in energy. He had felt ill the night before and took a precautionary pass on breakfast in the morning. But he pushed through and …

Packing It All In

It’s Monday! So here is a #mondayfunday post to show you all the fun stuff we’ve been doing. I try to take pictures everywhere we go, but very often the only pictures I end up with are the fun pictures. I never remember to take pictures when we are sharing at a church, on the …