
Did You Know?

#wycliffewednesday #sigoshert In this day and age of modern technology, which connects the world, it’s hard to believe that there can still be languages left waiting for God’s Word to be translated. But did you know out of the 7,000+ languages in the world, that over 2,000 languages have none of God’s Word? Not a …


A Little Fun

#wycliffewednesday #kateandmack It’s Wednesday, and look what I found! Wycliffeusa (on Instagram) shared this fun craft for kids (here). It looks super easy and super, duper fun! I don’t have access to a printer, so I am going to trace the pictures on to white paper by holding the paper up to the computer screen. …


Hope Through Bible Translation

#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 If you are wondering what the statistics are for the Solomon Islands, here are a few that I feel are important. …


Language Study has Begun

#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts Our language study is underway, and we are all very excited! I thought you all might like to see this video and some of the things we will be learning. There are many videos in this series, this one below is an Introduction that gives some interesting information on the Solomons that you …


Each one of them is Valuable

#wycliffewednesday The following video was really inspiring to me this week. Bible Translation is a huge undertaking. It is an important one! It takes all kinds of people doing all kinds of things. The diversity of people, tasks, and languages at Wycliffe gives me goosebumps. I just loved watching this video and being reminded that …


Nothing More Powerful

It’s #wycliffewednesday and I stumbled upon this amazing article about the Japanese Sign Language Video Bible that I am super excited to share with you. I hope you will check it out! Last October the tally of total number of languages in the world was increased by over 300 to include the various sign languages …


Yes, God, You Have Done It

#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts I shared a shorter video about the Keliko people a few months ago. I stumbled upon this video this morning, which is a bit longer and tells more of the story. One of my favorite things about Wycliffe is how communities come together to get the Word of God into their language. …


There’s a Place for You

#wycliffewednesday One of the first questions we get asked when people hear that we are headed to the Solomon Islands with Wycliffe Bible Translators is, “Will you be translating the Bible?” We answer, “Why yes, we will, but not how you may think.” This answer throws people off, but it’s true. Only one-third of Wycliffe’s …