
An Exciting Last Two Weeks

#mondayfunday #sigosherts We’ve been busy as busy can be these past two weeks. As many of you know, we’ve been praying about where God would have us go, and when. With Michigan practically shut down, our previous plans for Houghton were put on hold. Our plans for moving to JAARS in North Carolina were also …


The Doldrums

#mondayfunday #sigosherts The other day I awoke with a word that describes this feeling I’ve had these past six weeks: the “doldrums.” I feel like a ship floating atop smooth water with no wind to fill my sails. Not traveling to share with friends and churches has left us with a lot of extra time. …


Aaron Hunts for Eggs

#mondayfunday #sigosherts I hope you all had a happy Easter, even if you were stuck at home. We dyed eggs, as per our family tradition! We always enjoy it. It was warm enough (and stopped raining long enough) for us to hunt eggs outside! This was a treat, normally we are in the Upper Peninsula …


A Little Social Distancing Craziness

This is what my older two kids were up to this morning. #mondayfunday At least they’re getting along, and doing something semi-productive!


Missionary Medical Intensive

#mondayfunday #sigosherts I’m home! What a trip. This course was indeed intense, and I learned so much in such a short amount of time. Below are pictures from the 11 days I was in North Carolina for the Missionary Medical Intensive training at Equip International. We learned a little bit about just about everything, from …


A Week of Firsts

#mondayfunday #sigosherts This past week was a fun one, filled with a lot of firsts for the kids. To start, below are three pictures of the older three kids eating giant banana splits. Before they left for Spring Hill two weekends ago I begged them to not eat too much junk food. Josh ended up …


Good Tidings We Bring

We are thanking God for the gift of time with family, for a wonderful holiday season to recharge, and for the opportunity to help out friends in the process. It has been 5 weeks (how!?) since I posted pictures. Crazy. Time is really starting to fly by as we get closer to 100% funded. (For …


Oh the Joys of the Season!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts This past week has been filled with many joys. The week started with an evening out with my mom. We accompanied her to her work Christmas party. The food was delicious, and the party very entertaining. It was nice to see where she works, and the people she spent so much time with. …


Give Thanks

It’s been a very full last three weeks, and we are so thankful! We had a lot of school to do the week before Thanksgiving. We took off to Missouri for two weeks to be with Josh’s family for Thanksgiving. So the kids worked hard and got most of it done, and we only ended …