What’s It Like?

#sigosherts #mondayfunday So….now what? The last three years have been spent preparing (okay, God’s been preparing us for longer than that) to come to the Solomons, and we are here now. What are we to do now? The funny thing is, not a ton has changed. Kids are still kids. Laundry still needs to be …

For Generations to Come

#wycliffewednesday #sigosherts Yesterday, as I read to my kids out of a book called Tales from the Tribe, I began to tear up. My kids always love it when this happens. I read something touching or sad and my voice catches and I see their little eyes look at my face with anticipation for the …

#mondayfunday 4-5-21

#mondayfunday #sigosherts As I continue to have technical difficulties with our blog and pictures, I have made another slide show of the pictures from the past week. We had a lovely Easter, celebrating our risen Lord, and enjoyed tuning in to Trinity online for their Easter service. When technology works it’s amazing! When it doesn’t …