
Aaron Hunts for Eggs

#mondayfunday #sigosherts I hope you all had a happy Easter, even if you were stuck at home. We dyed eggs, as per our family tradition! We always enjoy it. It was warm enough (and stopped raining long enough) for us to hunt eggs outside! This was a treat, normally we are in the Upper Peninsula …


A Little Social Distancing Craziness

This is what my older two kids were up to this morning. #mondayfunday At least they’re getting along, and doing something semi-productive!


A Week of Firsts

#mondayfunday #sigosherts This past week was a fun one, filled with a lot of firsts for the kids. To start, below are three pictures of the older three kids eating giant banana splits. Before they left for Spring Hill two weekends ago I begged them to not eat too much junk food. Josh ended up …


Oh the Joys of the Season!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts This past week has been filled with many joys. The week started with an evening out with my mom. We accompanied her to her work Christmas party. The food was delicious, and the party very entertaining. It was nice to see where she works, and the people she spent so much time with. …


The Days Fly By

#sigosherts #mondayfunday It’s been a month and a half since my last post and not much out of the ordinary (for us!) has happened. We continue to enjoy many opportunities to share with friends and churches. We shared at Living Word Church here in Ludington, CrossRoads Church over in Scottville, and then Pioneer Church in …


Fall is Finally Here

#sigosherts #mondayfunday The first two weeks of October have brought in fall weather. We’re enjoying the cooler temps, and even more so as we consider the temperatures we’ll be facing in the next year when we get to the Solomons! Our days are filled with school and sharing about the needs of the Bibleless people …


Packing It All In

It’s Monday! So here is a #mondayfunday post to show you all the fun stuff we’ve been doing. I try to take pictures everywhere we go, but very often the only pictures I end up with are the fun pictures. I never remember to take pictures when we are sharing at a church, on the …