
Monday Fun Day on Wednesday

As promised last week, this past week was another busy one! Phew! We had the opportunity to house sit for friends. My kids felt like they had hit the jackpot when they discovered their stash of dress-up clothes! Here is Asher dressed as a lion. Isn’t he CUTE?!?! On Saturday the 20th Josh and I …


An Eventful Two Weeks

#mondayfunday #sigosherts Of all the months of the year, July is always our busiest. To start, Independence day has always been a family favorite holiday. We usually hang out all day at the beach. This year all of my family was able to meet at the beach for the day! We enjoyed celebrating the freedom …


June Jaunts

#mondayfunday #sigosherts How is it July already? Time is flying by, and as always, the Gosherts are on the go. Last week I caught up with 6 weeks of goings-on. This week for #mondayfunday I will give you a fly-by view of June. I was in DC at the beginning of June, as I mentioned …


Catching Up- 6 weeks of Goshert Happenings

The last 6 weeks have been busy ones! #mondayfunday is here again, and I am nearly caught up with all we have been up to. I decided to use captions on the pictures to update you on all our comings and goings. Enjoy!