
Adventures with Sourdough

#mondayfunday #sigosherts Back in North Carolina (our second stay there) I was inspired (thanks to Mary!) to try sourdough again. I had tried it in Michigan with freshly ground rye flour! I failed miserably. At the time I had no idea why, now I have some ideas what went wrong, but anyway…while in NC I …


A Few Goings-On

#mondayfunday #sigosherts As another week goes by, we are thankful for God’s provision and grace. Today marks the fortieth day that the kids and I have not left the SITAG compound. We continue to do school, cook meals, do chores, and do life here at SITAG. Josh is able to get food and do the …


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da…

#sigosherts #mondayfunday Life goes on, as the old song says. Here are some random, fun pictures from the last month or so.


Valentine’s Day Traditions

#sigosherts #mondayfunday Valentine’s Day morning breakfast was a tradition I grew up with. My mother was not a morning person, and often she had to work late at night. Mornings, before school, my sister and I were usually on our own, from the time we were in middle school. But every year, on Valentine’s Day, …


Not ALL Cracked Up

#sigosherts #mondayfunday Here we are, 13 weeks in the Solomon Islands, learning and growing everyday. Each day has its challenges along with its gifts. We have so much to be thankful for. Time keeps marching right along, whether we are ready or not. This poor guy had an accident on the trampoline. His lip collided …


What’s It Like?

#sigosherts #mondayfunday So….now what? The last three years have been spent preparing (okay, God’s been preparing us for longer than that) to come to the Solomons, and we are here now. What are we to do now? The funny thing is, not a ton has changed. Kids are still kids. Laundry still needs to be …