
Monday Funday is back!

Due to some technical difficulties with the blog, I have not been able to upload any pictures. So sad, right? No #mondayfunday posts for two and a half months. Well, I got creative and made a slide show! It’s over 6 minutes long (sorry about that!) but it covers the last two and a half …


The Gifts of November

#mondayfunday #sigosherts With Thanksgiving last week, I found myself viewing November through the lens of thankfulness. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father, so anything I am thankful for is a gift from God. As I look back over this past month, and as we prepare to leave …


October Just Flew By!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts It’s been a very different Fall for us Gosherts. By now, way up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we would have been picking apples, maybe making a snowman, but definitely not enjoying all this sunshine!  ☀️ As you know, we are at JAARS, staying in an apartment. There are 24 apartments total, …


Take it All One Day at a Time

#mondayfunday #homeschooliscool #sigosherts For not being much of a routine person, these last 5 weeks have grown me in that department, to be sure. In one sense it feels like quite an accomplishment to have completed 5 weeks straight without rescheduling a single day of school. However, all good streaks must come to an end …


The Significant Task of Home Schooling

She said, “Katie has the significant task of home schooling their five children.” If you are familiar with Gallops Strength Finders, Significance is one of my top most strengths. Every moment of every day I am seeking significance, looking for opportunities to make significance, out of thin air if I must. I know in my brain that home schooling my kids is indeed significant, but it is so easy to lose sight of the significance when I am in the trenches of spelling tests, attitude checks and chapter books. I enjoy my kids and I am so grateful to be able to home school them, but sometimes my search for significance leads my eyes astray, and I can get down trodden. This statement has spurred me on!


Wrapping Up Summer

#mondayfunday #sigoshert Summer is coming to a close and we are ramping up for school. I am super excited about this school year. This is the first time I will be specifically home schooling all 5 kids. I have a lot of fun things planned. I am looking forward to being more involved with the …