
Vlog Friday: To Garden or Not to Garden

#sigosherts #vlogfriday What’s really crazy is right after I finished making this a big rain blew in, and just drenched everything. It was raining sideways.


Training Center Helpers

#sigosherts #wycliffewednesday I’ve talked about SITAG a lot. We live and serve here, at the Solomon Island Translation Advisory Group (SITAG) compound. One of the things I get to do, and sometimes the kids get to help with, is set out food for the translators who come to stay at the Training Center. It’s kind …


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da…

#sigosherts #mondayfunday Life goes on, as the old song says. Here are some random, fun pictures from the last month or so.


Valentine’s Day Traditions

#sigosherts #mondayfunday Valentine’s Day morning breakfast was a tradition I grew up with. My mother was not a morning person, and often she had to work late at night. Mornings, before school, my sister and I were usually on our own, from the time we were in middle school. But every year, on Valentine’s Day, …


Come For a Little Drive

#sigosherts #vlogfriday Note, I still say the wrong words a lot (especially if I am tired), even in English. Example, I said “hotel” in the video, instead of “apartment”. I also said “sunset” when I meant “sunrise”. Let’s just chalk it up to mom brain🧠, or maybe “just moved across the ocean” brain 🧠, or …


The Blessing

#sigosherts #inspirationsunday Today I was a part of a baby dedication at church. It feels kind of strange to say I was a part of it because it wasn’t my child, it wasn’t even my family, but I love being a part of child dedications, because the whole congregation does take part. The congregation is …